Our Vision

We are and will be a Pinkzian where design and social research drive approaches to studying issues of our time, such as democracy, urbanization, technological change, economic empowerment, sustainability, and globalization. We will be the preeminent intellectual and creative center for effective engagement in a world that increasingly demands better-designed objects, communication, systems, and organizations to meet social needs.

The Name & The Emblem

PINKZ derives its name from an amalgamation of three words Pin, Kid & Zone. The array of these three words in the same order defines our objective behind starting this enterprising endeavor. The Emblem of Pinkz brings to life the vision of this ennobling venture. The color blue symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith and truth whereas the color pink is the color of universal love of oneself and of others. The Book and the tree reflect the contemporary and eternal impact of education which we want to bring in our students’ life by our invigorating and innovative methods.

The Pinkz Path

  • We will always teach in the best way possible and do whatever it takes for our student to learn.
  • We will always make ourselves available to student and parents, and address any concerns they might have.
  • We will always protect the safety, interests, and rights of all individuals in the classroom.


To impart a holistic education that:

  • Nurtures the best in every individual,
  • Creates confident young children who can claim their place in industry, society and the body politic,
  • Balance academics with extra-curricular activities and sports,
  • Inculcates moral values, attitudes and habits that celebrate human dignity and equal opportunity,
  • Nurtures leadership, compassion and a sense of justice.


Pinkz Public School - one of the well known school in Tiruvannamalai District, Tamil Nadu, for both Scholastic and Co scholastic integrated with life skills activity in learning room of the school campus. The curriculum is strictly based on content and syllabus provided by the National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT). The medium of instruction is English. We follow a very rigorous Lesson Planning approach, which we call as, "The Pinkz Path". Each and every lesson is designed with certain mandatory parameters like activity, assignment, remodeled assessment structure, Learnometer, Beyond School Teaching, Diction and Think Tank Manual.


Meeting (and sometimes exceeding) the student’s individual academic and other developmental needs form the mission of the school’s faculty.

Thus the faculty members at Pinkz Public School aim to build each child’s self esteem increase his/her engagement with the curriculum and remover any barrier that might hinder learning and achievement.